Term 2 Week 3

It's been a busy coulple of weeks in Year 2 so far  - and it's getting busier!

We had an exciting visit from the Bristol Reptile Encounter. They brought in a corn snake, a tortoise, a bearded dragon, a rainbow python and another really big python! We were very brave and held them all!

Thank you to every one that came to the parent's evenings last week. It was a pleasure to talk about how everyone has settled into Year 2.

We have begun rehearsals for the KS1 Christmas play. Thank you so much for the work that you are all doing in supporting the children in learning their parts for the Christmas play. 

We have written out the costume list below. Please do not buy new clothes for the performance. If you do not have the below items, please speak to a member of the Year 2 team and we will sort it! Any questions please ask. 

Party Sheep  

Black top, black leggings/trousers, sunglasses  


Plain top, black leggings/trousers  


Black top, black leggings/trousers,


Black top, black leggings/trousers


Blue top, blue/black/white leggings 


Brown/black top, black leggings/trousers  


Black top and leggings (to be worn under onesie) 


Black top, black leggings/trousers,


Black top, black leggings/trousers,


Green/brown top, brown/black trousers 


White t-shirt and white leggings/trousers/skirt 

Angel Gabriel  

White t-shirt and white leggings/trousers/skirt


Sparkly clothing (star colors if possible)  

3 Kings  

Black top, black trousers/leggings  


Brown top, brown trousers/leggings  


Smart colourful clothing  



Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 

Sorry there is no parking at school on Windmill Close. Please park safely on local roads; Whitehouse Street and other near by roads are for permit holders only.  

Parking around Victoria Park is best; it is only a quick walk through the park to the front of school. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number