Meet our Staff

Meet the staff at our school!

Headteacher - Christina Brugger

Assistant Head - Meg Stacey 

Assistant Head - Nick Jones 

Assistant Head - Sarah Birch

Early Years

Nursery Teachers - Helen Loosley

Reception Elm - Sarah Shreeves and Fi Doherty

Reception Ash - Carol Slinn and Maria Moral


KS1 - Years 1 & 2

1 Willow - David Hewett

1 Hawthorn -  Eden Hunter

2 Hazel - Tom Germain 

2 Whitebeam - Susan Lavelle

KS2 - Years 3 to 6

3 Larch - Kate Prince

3 Juniper - Gemma Mullholland

4 Apple - Jo Stone

4 Dogwood - Sam Marquez-Vega

5 Lime - Teasel Bengry-Howell

5 Cherry - Sophie Haskins

6 Sycamore - Vicky Cameron

6 Elder - Vickie Price

Nurture and Pastoral Team

Nurture and Inclusion Lead - Ruth Knights

SENCO and Inclusion Lead - Liz Radnor 

Family Link Worker - Chris Williams

Support Staff

Senior Administrator (Admissions / Attendance) - Roberta Thompson

Administrative Assistant (Communications) - Jules Mochan

Site Manager - Ryan Palmer

Librarian - Kate Hawkesworth

PPA Teacher - Sarah Herbertson


Hinda Jama

Arifa Butt

Ekhlas Ahmed

Raisa Geele

Linda Stone

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 

Sorry there is no parking at school on Windmill Close. Please park safely on local roads; Whitehouse Street and other near by roads are for permit holders only.  

Parking around Victoria Park is best; it is only a quick walk through the park to the front of school. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number