Welcome to Reception- Key Information for Term 1
We are all very excited to welcome our new families and pupils to Reception. We look forward to having a wonderful year with you all!
Mon 16th-Wed 18th September- All Reception pupils will be in from 8:45am- 12:30pm. Pupils will have lunch in school and then will be collected as normal from their classes at 12:30pm.
Thurs 19th and Fri 20th September- All Reception pupils will be in full-time from 8:45-3:13pm.
Reception Ash- Carol Slinn (Mon-Thur) and Maria Morales (PPA and Friday)
Reception Elm- Sarah Shreeves (Mon-Tues) and Fionnuala Doherty (Wed-Fri)
Teacher planning time will be on Thursday mornings and will be covered by:
Ms Moral
Miss Ibrahim
Our PE day will be on a Monday and we will start PE on Monday 23rd September. Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. This includes:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Dark coloured shorts or joggers
- Plain black trainers or daps
- A school jumper
Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle into school which will be kept in their class in an accessible tray.