Reception - Ash & Elm

Welcome to Reception 24-25

We are all very excited to welcome our new families and pupils to Reception. We look forward to having a wonderful year with you all! 

Mon 16th-Wed 18th  September- All Reception pupils will be in from 8:45am- 12:30pm. Pupils will have lunch in school and then will be collected as normal from their classes at 12:30pm. 

Thurs 19th and Fri 20th September- All Reception pupils will be in full-time from 8:45-3:13pm


Reception Ash- Carol Slinn (Mon-Thur) and Maria Morales (PPA and Friday) 

Reception Elm- Sarah Shreeves (Mon-Tues) and Fionnuala Doherty (Wed-Fri)

Teacher planning time will be on Thursday mornings and will be covered by: 

Ms Moral 

Miss Ibrahim

Our PE day will be on a Monday and we will start PE on Monday 23rd September.  Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. This includes: 

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Dark coloured shorts or joggers
  • Plain black trainers or daps
  • A school jumper

And they're off!

Well done to all the children in Ash and Elm for completing their first full week and their first set of full-time days! 

The children are doing well at getting into the swing of the school day and following our classroom routines. After hanging up coats and bags in the morning, we have been encouraging the children to vote for the book they would like to listen to at the end of the day. Each child can collect their photo from the class pot, stick it on the Velcro under the book that takes their fancy and see which book wins the vote later in the day! Feel free to help your child with this when they come into the classroom each morning. 

This week we have been getting used to having lunch in the hall. We are becoming experts at collecting our meal, sitting with our classmates and clearing our plates after. Fish fingers were a firm favourite on Friday, and everyone tucked into the delicious chocolate sponge for pudding- yum! 

In class this week, we were introduced to Jigsaw Jenny. We have begun to look at how we are all wonderful individuals who share common interests with each other (lots of us love swimming), but that we have differences, too (not all of us are keen on being in the sea- too cold and too many crabs!). We also found out a bit more about the staff working in Ash and Elm: Mrs Sadaoui, for example, loves to cook and will be cooking with us throughout the year. We also discovered that all of us love eating delicious food, so this is a match made in heaven!

Please remember that it is PE on Monday. Your child can come to school wearing their PE kit for the day. 

We also politely remind you to label coats, jumpers and cardigans etc. It's easy for us to get them back to the right child if they have been labelled. 

We look forward to next week and our first full-time week! Pick up is at 3:15pm. Thank you for making such an orderly queue outside the classrooms! This makes our jobs so much easier at the end of the day, as we get to know the names and faces of all the parents and carers. 


Jigsaw Jenny and Book Vote

Starting school

What a wonderful few days we have had in Reception! It has been a real joy welcoming all of our new pupils and seeing them explore the Reception area, from sharing stories in our cosy book areas, to creating delicious play dough cakes and biscuits, to building exciting obstacle courses outside- we have all had lots of fun and the children have begun to find their feet in their new school. Already we are seeing the beginnings of new friendships, and we have been incredibly impressed with the respect and care the children have shown one another and the class environment. We cannot wait until next week when the children will get to meet everyone in their class and the staff get to know this lovely cohort even better! 

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 

Sorry there is no parking at school on Windmill Close. Please park safely on local roads; Whitehouse Street and other near by roads are for permit holders only.  

Parking around Victoria Park is best; it is only a quick walk through the park to the front of school. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number